In today’s installment of wardrobe Confessionals, we satisfy CC 138, a purse enthusiast hailing from Australia who has been collecting bags for two decades. This collector has amassed a massive, as well as extremely outstanding collection of bags, spanning bags from the holy trinity (Hermès, Louis Vuitton, as well as Chanel) as well as so much more! CC 138 began collecting bags in her mid-30s, as well as while she does admit to having a hard time with her buying practices at one point, these days her purchases are thoroughly believed out.
An outstanding as well as significant collection doesn’t stop this collector from lusting for her next purchase, a Hermès Kelly, as well as she’s currently on ban-island while saving up for it. This collector is lucky sufficient to have a partner who is supportive of her passion, though admittedly not rather comprehending of the charm of high-end purse collecting. checked out the full CC as well as inspect out pictures from CC 138’s wardrobe below!
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Age: 55
Gender Identity: Female
Location: Western Australia
Occupation: Accountant
Industry: tax as well as company Advisory
Salary: $130,000
Household Income: $300,000
The Bags
Are you a PurseForum member? Áno
How numerous bags do you own? 60-ish
What bags are in your collection?
Givenchy Pandora Medium
Givenchy Nightingale medium x 2
Longchamp Mademoiselle
LV Pochette Metis
LV fast Bandouliere 25
LV fast Bandouliere 25 Empreinte
LV fast 30 reverse XL Monogram
LV Nano Speedy
LV Multi Pochette Accessoire
LV palm Springs reverse Mini
LV Alma BB in Galet Epi Leather
LV Neverfull world Tour
LV Neo Noe
LV denim take on Bag
Saint Laurent video camera Bag
Saint Laurent little Loulou Puffer
Loewe little Puzzle Bag
Valentino candy Stud
Hermès Evelyn
Chanel Jumbo Caviar Black
Chanel medium traditional Caviar
Chanel small Reissue All Black
Chanel small Rectangular in Olive Lambskin
Chanel My ideal small in Black Caviar
Chanel Seasonal Flap Bag
Chanel Coco deal with medium Black
Chanel 19 in Beige
Chanel Reissue 225 in Beige
Chanel little Coco deal with in Iridescent Turquoise
Lady Dior medium in Rose
Dior medium Bobby
Balenciaga City Bag (multiple in different colors)
Mansur Gavriel Tote
Mansur Gavriel container Bag
Bally Snakeskin take on Bag
Longchamp leather Crossbody Bags as well as several versions of the Le Pliage
Victoria Beckham Black top deal with Bag
How much is your collection worth? I attempt not count however at least $50,000.
What is your many costly bag? Chanel My ideal small which I had to pay a premium for with a reseller.
What are the most essential brands or pieces in your collection? My Chanel pieces – I never believed in my wildest dreams that I would own one let alone a few!
What age did you get your very first designer bag, as well as what was it? 34 – LV Galleria (which I have now sold)
Is there a particular bag you are wanting to purchase next? Hermès Kelly 28.
Any specific bag that holds a special emotional value? The world trip Neverfull has emotional value as it was bought with monies delegated me by my mum, my Chanel 19 which was a surprise gift from my other half (who puts up with my bag obsession even though he can’t comprehend the appeal) as well as my Chanel seasonal flap bag which was my purchase from my very first trip to Paris.
Do you feel like your bags modification people’s perceptions of you or exactly how you’re treated? certainly – I believe that if you’re bring an costly bag you get served much better as well as treated much more seriously. I don’t typically bring my costly bags to work as my Neverfull carry is my go-to work bag. however I happily bring them to the shops or out with friends. Some good friends do pass judgment about my obsession for top quality bags however hello I always state ‘each to their own.’
Have your bag-carrying practices altered because Covid? Nie.
How commonly do you purchase new bags? When I see something I love. however I am putting myself on bag ban island to save for my Hermès Kelly.
Has the Coronavirus pandemic altered your buying practices or general mindset towards luxury?No
Which stores do you regular the most? Chanel at the moment although I like MyTheresa as well as Farfetch.
Do you ever purchase second-hand bags? Where do you purchase used? I have however only if they are in excellent condition from a trusted reseller. I typically authenticate them individually for my own peace of mind.
Do you offer old bags to pay for new purchases? indeed to consignment stores as well as resellers. sometimes on luxe FB groups however I am always wary as there are so numerous horror stories of sellers being duped.
Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase much more bags? No
Do you think about your bag purchases investments? Definitely! My Chanel pieces are worth so much much more than what I paid for them.
Who inplynulými rozhodnutiami o nákupe? Ovplyvňovače YouTube, prehliadky dráhy, Instagram
Sú pripojenia obchodného partnera inštrumentálne pre vaše nakupovanie? Áno, zistím, že ak máte skvelé spojenie, kde váš SA chápe váš štýl, ako aj to, čo sa vám páči, potom je oveľa pravdepodobnejšie, že pre vás pôjdu, keď prídu „horúce“ produkty.
Prečo sa tešíte z nákupu, okrem získania niečoho nového? Páči sa mi maloobchodná terapia! Páči sa mi dobré veci ako jemné šperky, dizajnérske tašky, dizajnérske topánky, dizajnérske odevy (iba preto, že vysoká kvalita je zvyčajne lepšia). Som v dnešnej dobe oveľa lepšie – pred 10 rokmi by som určite premýšľal o sebe na Shopaholica. V dnešnej dobe premýšľam o tom, aký je nákup, vysoká kvalita a dlhovekosť, ako aj moje domáce úlohy pred zavedením nákupu.
Cítili ste sa niekedy, akoby ste dostali podradnú službu v obchode alebo obchode kvôli svojmu vzhľadu, etnicite alebo pohlavia? V niektorých prípadoch – zistím, že dostávam oveľa lepšiu službu, ak mám kozmetiku, ako aj dobre oblečené. V dnešnej dobe, keď mám skvelé spojenia so SA v rôznych obchodoch s dizajnérmi, zvyčajne navštívim skôr, ako sa zúčastním, aby som zabezpečil, že majú čas so mnou stráviť.
Kto platí za vaše tašky? Ja, rovnako ako môj manžílek.
Vyradíte rozpočtový plán na nákupy tašky? nie
Témy tabu
Kúpili ste si niekedy falšovanie, pretože ste nemohli zaplatiť za dizajnérsku položku? Áno! Motocyklová taška Balenciaga na eBay – Nezabúdajte, že som nechápal, že to bol vtedy falšovaný. Na eBay teraz nikdy nekúpim tašky.
Skryte niekedy nákupy pred svojimi značnými inými? Nie, mám priestor vrecka, kde sú tašky na show čokoľvek.
Čo je najbláznivejšie, čo ste urobili, aby ste zaplatili za tašku? Nemôžem uveriť žiadnemu.
Veríte tomu, že váš nákup je niekedy problémom? Cítili ste sa niekedy, akoby ste mali ťažkosti so závislosťou od nákupu? V minulosti áno. Teraz však s vekom mám jasnosť a oveľa viac sebakontroly.
Zvyšok z toho
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